Anna University Theory Exam for First semester commences from 12.02.2025
Anna University Practical Exam for First semester commences from 06.01.2025

FT Laboratories


S.No Lab Name Experiment Equipments

2. Find the square root of a number (Newton‘s method)

3. Exponentiation (power of a number)

4. Find the maximum of a list of numbers

5. Linear search and Binary search

6. Selection sort, Insertion sort

7. Merge sort

8. First n prime numbers

9. Multiply matrices

10. Programs that take command line arguments (word count)

11. Find the most frequent words in a text read from a file

12. Simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame

13. Simulate bouncing ball using Pygame


Python 3 interpreter for Windows/Linux
2 BS8161

Physics Laboratory



1. Determination of rigidity modulus – Torsion pendulum

2. Determination of Young‘s modulus by non-uniform bending method

3. (a) Determination of wavelength, and particle size using Laser
(b) Determination of acceptance angle in an optical fiber.

4. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor – Lee‘s Disc method.

5. Determination of velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid – Ultrasonic interferometer

6. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating

7. Determination of band gap of a semiconductor

8. Determination of thickness of a thin wire – Air wedge method


1.   Torsion pendulum

2.   Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending method

3.   Wavelength, and particle size using Laser, angle in an optical fiber

4.   Thermal conductivity of bad conductor Lee’s Disc

5.   Velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid-Ultrasonic interferometer

6.   Wavelength mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating

7.   band gap of a semiconductor

8.   Thickness of a thin wire-Air wedge method


3 BS8161

Chemistry Laboratory


1. Estimation of HCl using Na2CO3 as primary standard & Determination of alkalinity in water.

2. Determination of total, temporary & permanent hardness of water by EDTA method.

3. Determination of DO content of water sample by Winkler‘s method.

4. Determination of chloride content of water sample by argentometric method.

5. Estimation of cr content of the given solution by Iodometry.

6. Determination of strength of given hydrochloric acid using pH meter.

7. Determination of strength of acids in a mixture of acids using conductivity meter.

8. Estimation of iron content of the given solution using potentiometer.

9. Estimation of iron content of the water sample using spectrophotometer (1, 10-
Phenanthroline / thiocyanate method).

10. Estimation of sodium and potassium present in water using flame photometer.

11. Determination of molecular weight of polyvinyl alcohol using Ostwald viscometer.

12. Pseudo first order kinetics-ester hydrolysis.

13. Corrosion experiment-weight loss method.

14. Determination of CMC.

15. Phase change in a solid.

16. Conductometric titration of strong acid vs base.


1.pH Meter

2.Conductivity Meter

3.Home Photometer




7.Electronic Balance


4 GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory




(a)    Study of plumbing and carpentry components of residential and industrial buildings. Safety aspects.

Plumbing Works   

(a) Study of pipeline joints, its location and functions: valves, taps, couplings, unions, reducers, and elbows in household fittings.

(b) Study of pipe connections requirements for pumps and turbines.

(c) Preparation of plumbing line sketches for water supply and sewage works.

(d) Hands-on-exercise:

Basic pipe connections – Mixed pipe material connection – Pipe connections with different joining components.

(e) Demonstration of plumbing requirements of high-rise buildings.

Carpentry using Power Tools only:

(a) Study of the joints in roofs, doors, windows and furniture.

(b) Hands-on-exercise:

Wood work, joints by sawing, planning and cutting.



1. Assorted components for plumbing consisting of metallic & plastic pipes, couplings, unions, elbows and other fittings.

2. Carpentry vice

3. Standard woodworking tools

4. Models of industrial trusses, door joints, furniture joints

5. Power Tools:

(a) Rotary Hammer

(b) Demolition Hammer

(c) Circular Saw

(d) Planer

(e) Hand Drilling Machine


5 GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory




(a) Preparation of butt joints, lap joints and T- joints by Shielded metal arc welding.

(b) Gas welding practice

Basic Machining:

(a) Simple Turning and Taper turning

(b) Drilling Practice

Sheet Metal Work:

(a) Forming & Bending:

(b) Model making – Trays and funnels.

(c) Different type of joints

Machine assembly practice:

(a) Study of centrifugal pump

(b) Study of air conditioner

Demonstration on:

(a) Smithy operations, upsetting, swaging, setting down and bending. Example – Exercise – Production of hexagonal headed bolt.

(b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone pulley.

(c) Fitting – Exercises – Preparation of square fitting and V – fitting models.



1. Arc welding transformer with cables and holders.

2. Welding booth with exhaust facility

3. Accessories like welding shield, chipping hammer, wire brush, etc.

4. Oxygen, acetylene gas cylinders, blow pipe & other welding outfit.

5. Centre lathe

6. Hearth furnace, anvil & smithy tools

7. Moulding table, foundry tools

8. Power Tool: Angle Grinder

9. Study-purpose items: centrifugal pump, airconditioner

6 GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory




1. Residential house wiring using switches, fuse, indicator, lamp and energy meter.

2. Fluorescent lamp wiring.

3. Stair case wiring

4. Measurement of electrical quantities – voltage, current, power & power factor in RLC circuit.

5. Measurement of energy using single phase energy meter.

6. Measurement of resistance to earth.



1. Study of Electronic components & equipments – Resistor, colour coding, measurement of AC signal parameter using CR.

2. Study of logic gates AND, OR and NOT.

3. Generation of Clock Signal.

4. Soldering practice – Components Devices and Circuits – Using general purpose PCB.

5. Measurement of ripple factor of HWR & FWR



1. Assorted electrical components for house wiring

2. Elec. measuring instruments

3. Study purpose items: Iron box, fan and regulator, emergency lamp

4. Megger (250V/500V).

5. Power Tools:



1. Soldering guns

2. Electronic components for making circuits

3. Small PCBs

4. Multimeters

5. Study purpose items, , low-voltage power supply

7. BT8261-BIOCHEMISTRY 1. General guidelines for working in biochemistry lab (theory)

2. Units of volume, weight, density and concentration measurements and their range in biological measurements. Demonstration of proper use of volume and weight measurement devices.

3. Accuracy, precision, sensitivity and specificity (theory)

4. Preparation of buffer –titration of a weak acid and a weak base

5. Qualitative tests for carbohydrates – distinguishing reducing from non-reducing sugars and keto from aldo sugars.

6. Quantitative method for amino acid estimation using ninhydrin – distinguishing amino from imino acid.

7. Protein estimation by Burette and Lowry’s methods.

8. Protein estimation by Bradford and spectroscopic methods.

9. Extraction of lipids and analysis by TLC

10.Estimation of nucleic acids by absorbance at 260 nm and hyperchromic effect (demo).

11. Enzymatic assay: phosphatise from potato.

12. Enzymatic assay: estimation of glucose by GOD-POD method after hydrolysis of starch with acid and specificity of the enzymatic method.



Hot Air Oven


Light Microscopes

incubator Shaker


Lamina Flow Chamber

Test tubes

Beakers – 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml one each
per student

Beakers – 500 ml and 1000 ml at least 5 per
batch of 20 students

Petridishes as required, glass curettes as


Glass pipette – one each in 0.5 ml, 1 ml, 5
ml and 10 ml with suitable pipette aid

TLC plate

glucose, fructose, gelatos, maltose,
starch, amino acids, DNA, RNA, lipids and
commercial enzymes as required

8 FD8311- FOOD MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY 1. Introduction, Laboratory Safety, Use of Equipment; Sterilization Techniques; Culture Media Types and Use; Preparation of Nutrient broth and agar.

2. Culture Techniques, Isolation and Preservation of Cultures- Broth: flask, test tubes; Solid: Pour plates, streak plates, slants, stabs

3. Microscopy – Working and care of Microscope; Microscopic Methods in the Study of Microorganisms; Staining Techniques- Simple, Differential- Gram’s Staining

4. Quantification of Microbes: Sampling and Serial Dilution; Bacterial count in food products TVC

5. Microbiological Quality of Water (MPN)

6. Microbiological quality of milk

7. Enumeration of Lactic acid bacteria from fermented foods

8. Yeast & Mould count from fruits

9. Enumeration of spores from pepper

10. Inhibitory effect of spices on microbial load in fish & flesh foods

11. Enumeration & Isolation of E. colifrom processed meat/chicken

12. Thermal destruction of microbes: TDT & TDP

13. Enumeration & Isolation of Staphylococci from ready to eat street foods

14. Effect of cleaning and disinfection on microbial load


AutoclaveStatic Incubators

Light Microscopes

Incubator Shaker


Lamina Flow Chamber


Colony counter

Water bath

pH meter

Weighing Balance

Analytical Balance

Glassware / Chemicals / Media as required

9 FD8312 -FOOD CHEMISTRY AND NUTRITION LABORATORY 1.  Estimation of Viscosity of foodss

2. Properties of solutions- sugar & salt

3. Preparation of emulsions

4. Solubility, specific gravity, Refractive index and Oxidative rancidity of fats and oils

5. Iso-electric precipitation of casein, Effect of rennin on milk proteins

6. Gelling properties of starch

7. Study of gluten formation

8.  Enzymatic Browning in foods

9. Enzymatic hydrolysis of sucrose and measurement of optical rotation

10. Calculation and Computing of nutrient composition of foods

11. Nutritional anthropometry – Standards for reference – WHO Growth Charts from birth to 18 years, Body Mass Index and reference value

12. Techniques of measuring height, weight, head, chest and arm circumference, waist to hip ratio, skin-fold thickness, Calculation of percent Body fat using skin folds callipers

13. Calculation of energy balance of individuals based on 3 day dietary recall.

14. Dietary survey of a group of individuals/community

15. Comparison of Food Composition data bases




Texture Analyser



Muffle Furnace


pH meter

Heating mantle

Weighing balance


Water bath


Hot air oven

Analytical Balance

Moisture Balance

Lancet (boxes)

10 FD8411 – FOOD ANALYSIS LABORATORY 1. Determination of moisture in spices powder by distillation method and Hot air oven method.

2. Determination of total fat, protein in milk and milk products.

3. Rancidity test for fried foods to assess primary and secondary oxidative products

4. Determination of Vitamin C in fruit juices

5. Estimation of synthetic Food colour in sweets, confectioneries and beverages.

6. Determination of Iron content in foods

7. Determination of Iodine content in iodized salt.

8. Detection of Annatto, lead, MSG, sulphur-di-oxide, Emulsifiers and stabilizers in food products.

9. Detection of anti oxidant in foods.

10. Determination of soluble and insoluble fibre in foods

11. Detection of adulterants in edible oil and ghee.

12. Column chromatographic separation of colours

13. The identification of sugars in fruit juice using TLC.


ElectronicSoxhlet apparatusKjeldahl apparatus

UV spectrophotometer

Colour comparator

Water bath

pH meter

Fume hood

Dean and stark apparatus

Weighing balance

Hot air oven

Simple distillation unit

TLC paper strips As required
Glassware / Chemicals As required



1. Flow measurement
a) Orifice meter
b) Venturimeter
c) Rotameter2. Determination of economy and thermal efficiency of rotary flash evaporator

3. Solving problems on single and multiple effect evaporator

4. Determination of separation efficiency of centrifugal separator

5. Determination of collection efficiency in cyclone separator.

6. Determination of efficiency of liquid solid separation by filtration.

7. Determination of absorption efficiency in a packing tower

8. Determination of porosity, coefficient of friction and angle of repose of grains.

9. Determination of particle size of granular foods by sieve analysis.

10. Determination of performance characteristics in size reduction using the burr mill.

11. Determination of energy requirement in size reduction using the ball mill and hammer mill.

12. Performance evaluation of pin mill and hammer mill.

13. Performance evaluation of a steam distillation process.

14. Visit to a solvent extraction, sugar industry.


Packed column

Centrifugal separator

Steam distillation unit

Fluidized bed column

Rotary flash evaporator

Cyclone separator, Ball mill
Hammer mill, Burr mill & Pin mill

Glassware / Chemicals As required

12 FD8511 – FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION LABORATORY 1. Heat transfer studies in a plate heat exchanger (Parallel and counter flow)

2. Drying of vegetables and fruits with and without additives – Drying rate studies including,

3. Constant rate and falling rate periods and the effects of various factors on them.

4. Osmotic drying of foods with salt and sugar.

5. Canning & bottling of vegetable and fruit products

6. Filtration and concentration of fruit juices

7. Production of extruded products.

8. Spray drying of juices/milk

9. Pasteurization of milk

10. Retort processing of foods

11. Determination of Water vapour transmission rate of different packaging materials

12. Determination of migration characteristics of packaging materials

13. Determination of tensile and burst strength of given packaging material

14. Refrigeration and Freezing of vegetables and fruits


Plate heat exchangerRefrigerator

Deep freezer

Tray dryer

Hot air oven



RO equipment

Double steamer machine

Canning and bottling unit


Spray dryer

Retort unit


Water vapour permeability tester 1

Tensiometer 1

Viscometer 1

Desiccators 5

Weighing balance 2

Vegetable chopper 1

Glassware/Utensils/Chemicals As required

13 FD8512 – BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY 1. Growth of bacteria – estimation of biomass, calculation of specific growth rate, yield coefficient

2. Medium optimization – Placket Barman design, response surface methodology

3. Enzyme kinetics – Michelins Manton parameter, effect of temperature and pH

4. Enzyme immobilization – gel entrapment, cross linking

5. Preparation of bioreactor, utilities for bioreactor operation

6. Thermal death kinetics

7. Batch sterilization design

8. Batch cultivation, estimation of kola – dynamic gassing method, exhaust gas analysis – carbon balancing, gas balancing

9. Fed batch cultivation, exhaust gas analysis – carbon balancing, gas balancing

10. Estimation of kla – sulphite oxidation method

11. Estimation of overall heat transfer coefficient


Estimation of biomass, calculation of specific growth rate, yield coefficientPlacket Barman design, response surface methodology

Michelins Manton parameter, effect of temperature and pH

Gel entrapment, cross linking

Dynamic gassing method, exhaust gas analysis – carbon balancing, gas balancing

Carbon balancing, gas balancing

Sulphite oxidation method

1. Preparation of orange squash and cordial.

2. Preparation of canned peas / pine apple.

3. Preservation and processing of certain vegetables by drying and dehydration

4. Preparation of Jam/Jelly and its preservation by sugar

5. Preparation of pickles

6. Osmotic concentration/dehydration of certain fruits and vegetables using concentrated sugar and salts solutions

7. Preparation of malt based drink.

8. Preparation of fruit juice/pulp and its preservation by chemical Preservatives/ thermal processing.

9. Preparation of tomato puree/ketchup and its preservation by chemical preservatives

10. Experiment on preparation of fruit bar.

11. Experiment on preparation of Ready to serve beverages.

12. Experiment on quality evaluation of fruit beverages.

13. Experiment on fermented fruit and vegetable preparation.

14. Experiment on quality evaluation of fermented fruit and vegetable products


MixerCanning unit

Metal can sealer

Tray dryer


Jelly cups/moulds

Cooking vat

Gas stove

Gas cylinder



Retort processor

Laminar air flow chamber



1. Study of ingredients (major and minor): characteristics of flour, yeast, shortening, sugar, egg and salts.

2. Experiment on leavening action of baking powder, sodium- bicarbonate and ammonium-bicarbonate.

3. Determination sedimentation value of flour

4. Estimation of water absorption power (atta, and maida)

5. Determination dough rising capacity of yeast

6. Studies of dough characteristics farinographic and extensographic

7. Preparation of biscuits-different types.

8. Preparation of bread-different types.

9. Preparation of toffees.

10. Preparation of sugar boiled confectionery.

11. Preparation of candy.

12. Visit to a bakery/confectionery industry.


RefrigeratorSedimentation cylinder

Deck oven

Dough mixer

Fermentation cabinet

Humidity chamber

Hunter calorimeter

Cake & candy moulds



Egg beater

Texture analyzer

Weighing balance

As required

1. Testing of physical/mechanical properties of food packaging material.

2. Testing of thermal shock resistance of glass.

3. Gas/Vacuum packaging of foods and shelf life studies.

4. Determination of Water Vapour Transmission rate of Packaging Material.

5. Determination of grease resistance of papers used in food industry – butter paper& toffee wraps.

6. Determination of adhesive test of tapes

7. Determination of drop test using food packets

8. Estimation of water absorption test in paper based materials

9. Experiment on sealing of plastic cups

10. Experiment on retort packing

11. Edible packaging of Food Samples.

12. Study of Sorption Isotherm for Food Package Design.

13. Packaged food cut-out analysis


Tensile testing machine digitalWall thickness gauge

Friction tester

Puncture resistance tester

Modified Atmospheric cum Vacuum Packaging machine

Moisture meter

Drop tester


Heat sealer

Freshness tester

Retort processor


2. Platform test – Ethylene Blue Reduction Test, clot on boiling test

3. Determination of protein in milk by formal titration (pynes method)

4. Determination of lactose content of milk by polarimeter

5. Estimation of milk fat by Gerber method or Milk tester

6. Phosphatase test

7. Determination of adulterant and preservatives of milk

8. Efficiency of sterilization in preparation of sterilized milk by turbidity test.

9. Determination of redox potential, acidity and pH of milk

10. Determination of viscosity, density and specific gravity of milk

11. Milk products and Quality Analysis

12. Preparation and analysis of Yoghurt

13. Preparation and analysis of Cottage cheese

14. Preparation and analysis of Ice-cream/ Cream

15. Preparation and analysis of Butter/ Ghee


Gerber centrifugeButyrometer


Water bath

Refract meter


Milk tester

pH meter

Deep freezer

Heating mantle


Weighing balance

Kjeldhal apparatus

Lovi bond comparator disc

Laminar air flow chamber


Blast freezer


Utensils/Chemicals/Glassware As required