Festober – Dhaanish HACKFIX (20hours Hackathon) is scheduled on 19.10.2024
Festober – Dhaanish HACKVOX (Science Exhibition) is scheduled on 26.10.2024

R&A Laboratories


S.No Lab Name Experiment Equipments
1. BS8161

Physics Laboratory


1. Determination of rigidity modulus – Torsion pendulum

2. Determination of Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending method

3. (a) Determination of wavelength, and particle size using Laser
(b) Determination of acceptance angle in an optical fiber.

4. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor – Lee’s Disc method.

5.  Determination of velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid – Ultrasonic interferometer

6. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating

7. Determination of band gap of a semiconductor

8. Determination of thickness of a thin wire – Air wedge method

1.Torsion pendulum

2. Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending method

3. wavelength, and particle size using Laser, angle in an optical fiber

4. Thermal conductivity of bad conductor- Lee’s Disc

5. Velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid-Ultrasonic interferometer

6. Wavelength mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating

7. band gap of a semiconductor

8. Thickness of a thin wire-Air wedge method

9. pH Meter

10. Conductivity Meter

11. Home Photometer

12. Potentiometer

13. Spectrophotometer

14. Viscometer

15. Electronic Balance

2. BS8161

Chemistry Laboratory


1. Estimation of HCl using Na2CO3 as primary standard and Determination of alkalinity in water sample.

2. Determination of total, temporary & permanent hardness of water by EDTA method.

3. Determination of DO content of water sample by Winkler’s method.

4. Determination of chloride content of water sample by argentometric method.

5. Estimation of copper content of the given solution by Iodometry.

6. Determination of strength of given hydrochloric acid using pH meter.

7. Determination of strength of acids in a mixture of acids using conductivity meter.

8. Estimation of iron content of the given solution using potentiometer.

9. Estimation of iron content of the water sample using spectrophotometer (1, 10-

Phenanthroline / thiocyanate method).

10. Estimation of sodium and potassium present in water using flame photometer.

11. Determination of molecular weight of polyvinyl alcohol using Ostwald viscometer.

12. Pseudo first order kinetics-ester hydrolysis.

13. Corrosion experiment-weight loss method.

14. Determination of CMC.

15. Phase change in a solid.

16. Conductometric titration of strong acid vs strong base.


1.Torsion pendulum

2. Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending method

3. wavelength, and particle size using Laser, angle in an optical fiber

4. Thermal conductivity of bad conductor- Lee’s Disc

5. Velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid-Ultrasonic interferometer

6. Wavelength mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating

7. band gap of a semiconductor

8. Thickness of a thin wire-Air wedge method

9. pH Meter

10. Conductivity Meter

11. Home Photometer

12. Potentiometer

13. Spectrophotometer

14. Viscometer

15. Electronic Balance





1. Compute the GCD of two numbers.

2. Find the square root of a number (Newton‘s method)

3. Exponentiation (power of a number)

4. Find the maximum of a list of numbers

5. Linear search and Binary search

6. Selection sort, Insertion sort

7. Merge sort

8. First n prime numbers

9. Multiply matrices

10. Programs that take command line arguments (word count)

11. Find the most frequent words in a text read from a file

12. Simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame

13. Simulate bouncing ball using Pygame


Python IDLE
4. GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory





(a)    Study of plumbing and carpentry components of residential and industrial buildings. Safety aspects.

Plumbing Works   

(a) Study of pipeline joints, its location and functions: valves, taps, couplings, unions, reducers, elbows in household fittings.

(b) Study of pipe connections requirements for pumps and turbines.

(c) Preparation of plumbing line sketches for water supply and sewage works.

(d) Hands-on-exercise:

Basic pipe connections – Mixed pipe material connection – Pipe connections with different joining components.

(e) Demonstration of plumbing requirements of high-rise buildings.

Carpentry using Power Tools only:

(a) Study of the joints in roofs, doors, windows and furniture.

(b) Hands-on-exercise:

Wood work, joints by sawing, planning and cutting.



1. Assorted components for plumbing consisting of metallic pipes,  plastic pipes, flexible pipes, couplings, unions, elbows, plugs and  other fittings.

2. Carpentry vice (fitted to work bench)

3. Standard woodworking tools

4. Models of industrial trusses, door joints, furniture joints

5. Power Tools:

(a) Rotary Hammer

(b) Demolition Hammer

(c) Circular Saw

(d) Planer

(e) Hand Drilling Machine


5. GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory





(a) Preparation of butt joints, lap joints and T- joints by Shielded metal arc welding.

(b) Gas welding practice

Basic Machining:

(a) Simple Turning and Taper turning

(b) Drilling Practice

Sheet Metal Work:

(a) Forming & Bending:

(b) Model making – Trays and funnels.

(c) Different type of joints

Machine assembly practice:

(a) Study of centrifugal pump

(b) Study of air conditioner

Demonstration on:

(a) Smithy operations, upsetting, swaging, setting down and bending. Example – Exercise – Production of hexagonal headed bolt.

(b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone pulley.

(c) Fitting – Exercises – Preparation of square fitting and V – fitting models.



1.Arc welding transformer with cables and holders.

2. Welding booth with exhaust facility

3. Welding accessories like welding shield, chipping hammer,

wire brush, etc.

4. Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders, blow pipe and other

welding outfit.

5. Centre lathe

6. Hearth furnace, anvil and smithy tools

7. Moulding table, foundry tools

8. Power Tool: Angle Grinder

9. Study-purpose items: centrifugal pump, air-conditioner One each.

6. GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory





1. Residential house wiring using switches, fuse, indicator, lamp and energy meter.

2. Fluorescent lamp wiring.

3. Stair case wiring

4. Measurement of electrical quantities – voltage, current, power & power factor in RLC circuit.

5. Measurement of energy using single phase energy meter.

6. Measurement of resistance to earth of an electrical equipment.


1. Study of Electronic components and equipments – Resistor, colour coding measurement of AC signal parameter (peak-peak, rms period, frequency) using CR.

2. Study of logic gates AND, OR, EX-OR and NOT.

3. Generation of Clock Signal.

4. Soldering practice – Components Devices and Circuits – Using general purpose PCB.

5. Measurement of ripple factor of HWR and FWR



1. Assorted electrical components for house wiring

2. Electrical measuring instruments

3. Study purpose items: Iron box, fan and regulator, emergency lamp

4. Megger (250V/500V).

5. Power Tools:

(a) Range Finder

(b) Digital Live-wire detector



1. Soldering guns

2. Assorted electronic components for making circuits

3. Small PCBs

4. Multimeters

5. Study purpose items: Telephone, FM radio, low-voltage power


7. EC8312 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND DIGITAL LABORATORY 1. Characteristics of diode and clipper circuits.

2. Characteristics of Zener diode and Zener voltage regulator

3. Characteristics of BJT.

4. Characteristics of JFET

5. Application of BJT as an amplifier and switch.

6. Study of Basic Digital ICs.

7. Implementation of Adder and Subtractor circuits

8. Design of Code converters.

9. Study of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer.

10. Design and Implementation of Counters and registers


1.      0 – 30V RPS

2.       0 – 50V RPS

3.      0 – 5V RPS

4.      0 – 30V Voltmeter

5.      0 – 10V Voltmeter

6.      0 -50V Voltmeter

7.      0 – 1V Voltmeter

8.      0 – 30mA Ammeter

9.      0- 100mA AC Amplifier

10.  Audio Oscillator

11.  CRO ( 30 MHZ)

12.  Diodes, Zener Diodes

13.  Transistors (PNP & NPN)

14.  UJT

15.  SCR

16.  JFET



19.  Photodiode

20.  Photo Transistor

21.  Required Passive Components

22.  Variable Resistor


8. CE8481 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LABORATORY 1. Tension test on steel rod

2. Compression test on wood

3. Double shear test on metal

4. Torsion test on mild steel rod

5. Impact test on metal specimen (Izod and Charpy)

6. Hardness test on metals (Rockwell and Brinell Hardness Tests)

7. Deflection test on metal beam

8. Compression test on helical spring

9. Deflection test on carriage spring


1.UTM of minimum 400 kN capacity

2.Torsion testing machine

3. Izod impact testing machine

4. Hardness testing machine Rockwell

5. Vicker’s / Brinnel

6. Beam deflection test apparatus

7. Extensometer

8. Compressometer

9. Dial gauges

10. Le Chatelier’s apparatus

11. Vicat’s apparatus

12. Mortar cube moulds


9. RO8411 ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY 1. Characteristics of diode and clipper circuits.

2. Characteristics of Zener diode and Zener voltage regulator

3. Characteristics of BJT.

4. Characteristics of JFET

5. Application of BJT as an amplifier and switch.

6. Study of Basic Digital ICs.

7. Implementation of Adder and Subtractor circuits

8. Design of Code converters.

9. Study of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer.

10. Design and Implementation of Counters and registers


1.DC Shunt Motor with Loading Arrangement

2. Single Phase Transformer

3. DC Series Motor with Loading Arrangement

4. Three Phase Induction Motor with Loading Arrangement

5. Single Phase Induction Motor with Loading


6. DC Shunt Motor Coupled With DC

Compound Generator

7. DC Shunt Motor Coupled With DC Shunt


8. Tachometer-Digital /Analog

9. Single Phase Auto Transformer

10. Three Phase Auto Transformer

11. Single Phase Resistive Loading Bank

12. Three Phase Resistive Loading Bank

13. SPST switch



1. a) Study of gear parameters.

b) Experimental study of velocity ratios of simple, compound, Epicyclic and differential gear trains.

2. a) Kinematics of Four Bar, Slider Crank, Crank Rocker, Double crank, Double rocker, Oscillating cylinder Mechanisms.

b) Kinematics of single and double universal joints.

3. a) Determination of Mass moment of inertia of Fly wheel and Axle system.

b) Determination of Mass Moment of Inertia of axisymmetric bodies using Turn Table apparatus.

c) Determination of Mass Moment of Inertia using bifilar suspension and compound pendulum.

4.Motorized gyroscope – Study of gyroscopic effect and couple.

5. Governor – Determination of range sensitivity, effort etc., for Watts, Porter, Proell, and Hartnell Governors.

6. Cams – Cam profile drawing, Motion curves and study of jump phenomenon

7. a) Single degree of freedom Spring Mass System – Determination of natural Frequency and verification of Laws of springs – Damping coefficient determination.

b) Multi degree freedom suspension system – Determination of influence coefficient.

8. a)Determination of torsional natural frequency of single and Double Rotor systems.- Undamped and Damped Natural frequencies. b) Vibration Absorber – Tuned vibration absorber.

9. Vibration of Equivalent Spring mass system – undamped and damped vibration.

10. Whirling of shafts – Determination of critical speeds of shafts with concentrated loads.

11. a) Balancing of rotating masses. (b) Balancing of reciprocating masses.

12. a) Transverse vibration of Free-Free beam – with and without concentrated masses.

b) Forced Vibration of Cantilever beam – Mode shapes and natural frequencies.

c) Determination of transmissibility ratio using vibrating table.

1.Cam follower setup

2.Motorised gyroscope

3.Governor apparatus Watt, Porter, Proell and Hartnell governors

4. Whirling of shaft apparatus

5. Dynamic balancing machine

6. Two rotor vibration setup

7.Spring mass vibration system

8. Torsional Vibration of single rotor system


9. Gear Models

10. Kinematic Models to study various Mechanisms

11. Turn table apparatus

12. Transverse vibration setup of a) cantilever b) Free-Free beam c) Simply supported beam.


11. RO8412 LIC AND CONTROL SYSTEMS LABORATORY 1Characteristics and Applications of Op-Amp.

2. Waveform Generation using Op-Amp.

3.Performance characteristics of Voltage Regulator Ics.

4. Study of 555 Timer and 566 VCO.

5.Design and Implementation of Active Filters.

6. Determination of transfer function of DC servomotor.

7. Determination of transfer function of AC servomotor and study of synchros.

8. Time domain Response of first order and second order systems using MATLAB.

9. Frequency response of first and second order system using MATLAB.

10. Characteristics of PID controllers using MATLAB.


1.Dual, (0-30V) variable Power Supply

2.CRO 30MHz

3.Digital Multimeter

4.Function Generator 1 MHz

5.IC Tester (Analog)

6.Bread board

7.Computer (PSPICE installed)







12. RO8511 CNC AND METROLOGY LABORATORY 1. Study of the CNC machine

2.Programming and simulation of a lathe using any CAM package

3. Programming and simulation of a machining centre using any CAM package

4. Programming and operation of a CNC Lathe

5. Programming and operation of a CNC machining centre

6. Measurement of Taper Angle using Sine Bar

7. Optical profile projector – study of profile of gear tooth, screw threads.

8. Tool maker’s microscope – to study cutting tool geometry, screw threads.

9. Tool wear and surface finish measurement.

10. Dimensional measurement of machined components using, bore gauge, air gauge and

Height master


CNC lathe

CNC milling machine

Production type CNC machining centre

4.CNC lathe and milling programming software ( FANUC controller)

5. CNC lathe and milling programming

software ( Heidenhain controller)

6. Optical profile projector

7. Tool makers microscope

8. Measuring gauges for hole depth and height

9. Sine Bar

13. RO8411 ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY 1. Open circuit characteristics of D.C. shunt generator.

2. Load characteristics of D.C. shunt generator.

3. Load test on D.C. shunt motor.

4. Load test on D.C. series motor.

5. Swinburne‟s test

6. speed control of D.C. shunt motor.

7. Load test on single phase transformer

8. open circuit and short circuit tests on single phase transformer(Determination of equivalent circuit parameters).

9. Load test on single phase induction motor.

10. No load and blocked rotor tests on three phase induction motor (Determination of

11. equivalent circuit parameters)

12. Load test on Three phase induction motor.

13. Study of Starters


1.DC Shunt Motor with Loading Arrangement

2. Single Phase Transformer

3. DC Series Motor with Loading Arrangement

4. Three Phase Induction Motor with Loading Arrangement

5. Single Phase Induction Motor with Loading Arrangement

6. DC Shunt Motor Coupled With DC

Compound Generator

7. DC Shunt Motor Coupled With DC Shunt Generator

8. Tachometer-Digital /Analog

9. Single Phase Auto Transformer

10. Three Phase Auto Transformer

11. Single Phase Resistive Loading Bank

12. Three Phase Resistive Loading Bank

13. SPST switch


14. MT8781 ROBOTICS LABORATORY 1.Determination of maximum and minimum position of links.

2. Verification of transformation (Position and orientation) with respect to gripper and world coordinate system

3. Estimation of accuracy, repeatability and resolution.

4. Robot programming and simulation for pick and place

5. Robot programming and simulation for Colour identification

6. Robot programming and simulation for Shape identification

7. Robot programming and simulation for machining (cutting, welding)

8. Robot programming and simulation for writing practice

9. Robot programming and simulation for any industrial process ( Packaging, Assembly)

10. Robot programming and simulation for multi process.


1.ROS ( Robotic Operating System)

2.30 Systems with server

3.Verification of direct kinematics equations and inverse kinematics equations of 1DOF “R-configuration” robot.

4.Verification of direct kinematics equations and inverse kinematics equations of 2DOF “R-R-configuration” robot.

15. RO8611 AUTOMATION SYSTEM DESIGN LABORATORY 1. Co-ordinated motion of multiple pneumatic actuators in a desired sequence using Cascade method

2. Integration of fringe condition modules in multiple actuator pneumatic systems

3. Co-ordinated motion of multiple actuator, electro – pneumatic systems in a desired sequence using hard – wire programmed control systems

4. Co-ordinated motion of multiple actuator, electro – pneumatic systems in a desired sequence using PLC.

5. Interfacing of an LVDT with a PC for monitoring the displacement of machine slide and raising an alarm if the displacement exceeds specified limit.

6. Inspection using Machine vision System

7. Control of speed, direction and number of revolutions of a stepper motor using PC.

8. Development of an obstacle avoidance robot using servo motors, ultrasonic and touch sensors.


1.Basic Pneumatic Trainer Kit with manual and electrical controls .

2. PNEUMOSIM software / Automation studio .

3. 8051 – Microcontroller kit with stepper motor and drive circuit LABVIEW software.

4.machine vision system with software

5.stepper motors with PC interface cards

6.servo motor with PC interface card

7. ultrasonic, touch and non contact sensors


16. RO8711 MODELING AND SIMULATION LABORATORY 1. Solid modeling of engineering components and assembly.

2. Determination of stresses and factor of safety in critical machine components by FEM and experimental validation of the results by strain measurement.

3. Dynamic analysis of chassis frame of an automobile.

4. Crash analysis of an automobile using FEA software.

5. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanisms using mechanism analysis software.


1.3-D solid modeling CAD software

2. Multibody kinematic and dynamic analysis


3. non linear / crash / impact analysis software

4. Metal forming / metal cutting simulation


5. loading and strain measuring set up

6. workstation configuration computers