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Grievance Redressal Committee

The college has a well manageable Grievance Redressal Cell that look into the complaints of the Students, Parents and Faculty Members, and takes necessary actions immediately to resolve the problems, which creates a pleasant environment.

A person can anytime register the grievance or feedback through Grievance Registration Portals available in the website respective to their coplaint. The person can also drop the message in the suggestion boxes available or write it in the register available at the Information Centre.


Internal Compliance Committee

The college has a well established Internal Compliance Cell to eradicate any kind of abuse and safeguard the rights of the girl students, female faculty and other female members of the institution. Aiming at the intellectual and social upliftment of the female students and staff is the prime motto of this body.

The college provides harassment free atmosphere both in the campus and Girls hostel ensuring a safe and secured environment. A person can register the complaints personally through the email or by phone call to the concern authorities.


Anti-Ragging / Discipline Committee

The Anti Ragging Cell is the paramount body in the college. The Cell has a very strong Committee that monitors each and every movement both inside the college and hostels. The Cell has played a vital role in promoting the college by building a Zero Ragging Campus.

The Cell frequently conducts awareness programs to all the students by inviting resource persons from Government bodies such as Police Officers, etc. The students can anytime approach any available faculty member for assistance or difficulty if arises.