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Science & Humanities

Science Humanities


The Department of Science & Humanities, established in 2013, caters to the basic foundation courses such as Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Communicative English and General Engineering Subjects, as a baseline for any engineering stream. The department has well-established laboratories to accommodate a batch of students at a time.

The Department of Science & Humanities has highly qualified and dedicated faculty members with specialization in various disciplines. As a result, the department enjoys the privilege of being one of the leading departments in the Institution. The faculty members of the department also participate in various national and international conferences frequently to update and enhance their knowledge to serve the social and student community.


To establish an outstanding department for offering knowledge with the basics of Science & Humanities in order to enrich the potential of students in Engineering, Technology and Management with Quality Education.


To produce academic excellence so as to make the students to handle challenges in their aptitude and soft skills and to fulfill the expectation of the organization they join, with moral values and social ethics.



S.No Faculty Name Designation Qualification Mail IDs
1 Dr.Senthil Kumar.V ASP-HOD Mphil.,PhD [email protected]
1 Dr. J. Satish Kumar ASP-IQAC Director Mphil.,PhD [email protected]
2 Dr.Dhilsath Banu.M  Asso.Prof PhD [email protected]
3 Dr.Basheer Ahamed.S Asst.Prof PhD [email protected]
4 Dr. N. Elangovan Asst.Prof PhD [email protected]
5 Dr.Ajithkumar.G Asst.Prof PhD [email protected]
6 Mr.Gunasekaran.R Asso.Prof M.Phil [email protected]
7 Mr.Bharathi.S Asst.Prof M.Phil [email protected]
8 Dr.Kumaresan.S Asst.Prof PhD [email protected]
9 Ms Abinaya Asst.Prof M.Phil [email protected]
11 Mr. V. Ramaraj Asst.Prof M.Phil [email protected]
12 Dr.K.Muralidharan Asst.Prof PhD [email protected]
13 Mr.S.Mano Alexander Asst.Prof M.E [email protected]
14 Mrs Indusha Asst.Prof M.E [email protected]
15 Mr. Abdul wahab Johny Asst.Prof M.E [email protected]


S.No Faculty Name Designation Qualification Mail IDs
1 Mrs.Jothimani.N Lab-Tech-CHE BSC [email protected]
2 Mrs.Leelavathi.S Lab-Tech-PHY BSC [email protected]
3 Mr.Saravana Kumar.P Librarian MBA [email protected]
4 Mr.Subramanian.R PD BSC [email protected]
5 Mr.Sakthivel.M PD BSC [email protected]


Name of the Association & the Club


Science and Humanities is one of the branches which deals with the heritage and question of what makes us human. It has a deep connection with law, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, language and philosophy. In this logo, we mention the mathematical symbol, Bohr atom model, equations and Science-Pedia. The word Science-Pedia denotes that no one can acquire knowledge without the interlinked parts of Science and Humanities.