An online workshop was conducted on the topic “Entrepreneurship and innovation as a career opportunity” on 24.12.2021 between 3.00p.m to…
A free vaccination drive was organised at DAIT Campus on 27.11.2021 for students and staff of the college. With the…
Dhaanish Ahamed Institute of Technology (DAIT), Coimbatore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with VLAND HUB,Coimbatore on 19.11.2021. This MoU…
Dhaanish Ahamed Institute of Technology (DAIT), Coimbatore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Machenn Private Ltd,Coimbatore on 26.10.2021. This…
Dhaanish Ahamed Institute of Technology (DAIT), Coimbatore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Prashan Medical Equipment’s,Coimbatore on 26.10.2021. This…
MemoRANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology Signed MoU with Accent Techno Soft on 8.10.2021 for the betterment for…
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology Signed MoU with WiseTech Solutions ,Chennai.For the Betterment of CSE, ECE,Robotics &…
Opportunities after Engineering through GATE/PSU/ESE Online Webinar on Opportunities after Engineering through GATE held on 20.09.2021 (09.30 AM to 11.00…
CAMPUS – CONNECT – CONQUER The Department of Biomedical Engineering & Food Technology organized an online Webinar on the occasion…
Future of Welding towards Industry 4.0 Online Webinar on Future of Welding towards Industry 4.0 held on 03.09.2021 (2.00 PM…