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S. No. Name of the Faculty Dept Title of the Paper Publication Date

Month & Year

1 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE SVM based Medical Image segmentation International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2021

2 Nandhakumar A ECE Feasibility study implementation of sea reaches bio parameters monitoring by water channel model International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2021

3 Mamatha K R ECE Integrated VLC with Wi-Fi for Smart way Transportation System: A Survey”  International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology

Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2020

4 Mamatha K R ECE Effective Multimedia Transmittal Across A Wireless Optical Medium Based on Visible Light Communication International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods

Volume 9, Issue 5, may 2021





S. No. Name of the Faculty Dept Details Date

Month & Year

1 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Presented a paper entitled on SVM based Medical Image segmentation in International E Conference on Recent Development in Engineering and Technology’2k21 3rd April 2021
2 Nandhakumar A ECE Presented a paper  entitled on Feasibility study implementation of sea reaches bio parameters monitoring by water channel model in International E Conference on Recent Development in Engineering and Technology’2k21 3rd April 2021
3 Mamatha K R ECE Presented a paper entitled on Effective Multimedia Transmittal Across A Wireless Optical Medium Based on Visible Light Communication in International E Conference on Recent Development in Engineering and Technology’2k21 3rd April 2021





S. No. Name of the Faculty Dept Details Date

Month & Year

1 Dr K G Parthiban ECE Webinar on Accelerating Digital Transformation in Challenging time 16.05.2021
2 Dr K G Parthiban ECE Webinar on Cyber Security- Need of the hour 27.05.2021
3 Dr K G Parthiban ECE Webinar on Designing a Robust and Transparent Educational Process using Global Education Standard 26.05.2021
4 Dr K G Parthiban ECE Webinar on Fostering metal health and Wellness of students during the pandemic 04.06.2021
5 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Demystify the Cloud 17.07.2020
6 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Block Chain Basics 18.07.2020
7 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Industry 4.0 19.07.2020
8 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Future of Communication Engineering 20.07.2020
9 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Expanding scope of Robotics 21.07.2020
10 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE NAAC webinar on Perspectives-Criterion-I 01.08.2020
11 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE NAAC webinar on Perspectives-Criterion- II 08.08.2020
12 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE NAAC webinar on Perspectives-Criterion- III & IV 22.08.2020
13 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE NAAC webinar on Perspectives-Criterion-V 29.08.2020
14 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE NAAC webinar on Perspectives-Criterion-VI 05.09.2020
15 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE NAAC webinar on Perspectives-Criterion-VII 12.09.2020
16 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Skill Development Program on Applications of MATLAB and Simulink 01.11.2020
17 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Attaining Quality Assurance & Quality Enhancement through IQAC 28.04.2021
18 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Research advances & Challenges in Smart farming using IOT 05.05.2021 (FN)
19 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on High Tech Farming- Precision Farming And Smart Agriculture 05.05.2021 (AN)
20 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Farm Management Solutions 06.05.2021


21 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Precision Farming 06.05.2021


22 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on IOT Transforming the future of agriculture 07.05.2021


23 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Design, Principles, Protocols and Architecture of IOT 07.05.2021


24 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on High Tech Farming- Precision Farming And Smart Agriculture 08.05.2021


25 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Future of farming: IOT, Agriculture sensors, & Framing Drones 08.05.2021


26 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Applicability of IOT in Agriculture 10.05.2021


27 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on IOT use cases in Agriculture 10.05.2021


28 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Intelligence Agriculture 11.05.2021


29 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE STTP on Advanced agriculture practices using IOT 11.05.2021


30 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Path Finder (Stay Positive) 24.05.2021
31 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on Digital Image Processing using MATLAB 29.05.2021
32 V.K.U. Ahamed Gani ECE Webinar on E Nose and its Applications 05.06.2020
33 Nandhakumar A ECE Participated in a One-day webinar on “Medical Drives” 16.05.2020
34 Nandhakumar A ECE Webinar on How to carry out an Engineering Projects Effectively 27.07.2020
35 Nandhakumar A ECE Skill Development Program on

Applications of MATLAB and Simulink

36 Nandhakumar A ECE Webinar on Attaining Quality Assurance

& Quality Enhancement through IQAC

37 Nandhakumar A ECE Webinar on Path Finder (Stay Positive) 24.05.2021
38 Nandhakumar A ECE Webinar on Cognitive Radio 24.05.2021
39 Nandhakumar A ECE Webinar on Challenges in Implementing IOT 25.05.2021
40 Nandhakumar A ECE Webinar on 5G Technologies 25.05.2021
41 Mamatha K R ECE Faculty Development Programme on “Youth and Nation Building” 11.05.2020
42 Mamatha K R ECE participated in a One-day webinar on “Challenges Power


43 Mamatha K R ECE Participated in a One-day webinar on “Medical Drives 16.05.2020
44 Mamatha K R ECE Webinar on “Job Opportunities in SemiconductorIndustries” 16.05.2020
45 Mamatha K R ECE Faculty Development Program in “Scope of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Automation” 17.05.2020


46 Mamatha K R ECE National Level Webinar on “Importance of Nanostructured Thin Film Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion BatteryApplications 20.05.20220
47 Mamatha K R ECE Webinar on “Future of Artificial Intelligence” 20.05.20220
48 Mamatha K R ECE Webinar “Design of Wireless Charging Using Ansys Maxwell” 21.05.2020
49 Mamatha K R ECE Webinar on “Recent Trends in Power Electronics using MATLAB” 22.05.2020
50 Mamatha K R ECE Faculty Development Program in “Research Opportunities on Electrical Engineering and its Applications” 23.05.2020


51 Mamatha K R ECE International webinar on“Introduction to Agile and Scrum Methodology” 24.05.2020


52 Mamatha K R ECE Faculty Development Program in Association with IIT Bombay On“SCILAB Association with Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay” 30 05.2020
53 Mamatha K R ECE Participated in the online webinar on “Data Analysis Using Python”


54 Mamatha K R ECE Faculty Development Program in “Research Opportunities on Electrical Engineering and its Applications” 23.05.2020


55 Mamatha K R ECE International webinar on“Introduction to Agile and Scrum Methodology” 24.05.2020


56 Mamatha K R ECE Faculty Development Program in Association with IIT Bombay On“SCILAB Association with Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay” 30 05.2020
57 Mamatha K R ECE Participated in the online webinar on “Data Analysis Using Python”

