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Admission Procedure


admission procedure

Application for admissions should be made in the prescribed form available with the prospectus at the Admission Cell. Filled in  Application Forms along with a non-refundable registration fee as stipulated should be sent to the Accounts desk , Dhaanish Ahmed Institute Of Technology, Dhaanish Avenue, Verappanur, K.G.Chavadi, Coimbatore.

Tuition and other fees prescribed by the college should be paid in full before the stipulated date. Fee once paid will not be refunded on any account. If any student wishes to leave the course in the middle he/she shall pay the full tuition fee prescribed for the course. Students rusticated from the college shall forfeit all the fees paid. The decision of the Management will be final in all matters relating to admission, training & discipline and will be binding on all the parties concerned.

Candidates can refer the Admission Norms for the Eligibility Criteria from the tabulations below. Candidates can either approach through Counselling or Management as per the eligibility. The students from other states will be considered as belonging to OC only, irrespective of their community for the purpose of considering minimum eligibility marks.

admission norms

Board of study Subject Cut-off Calculation
State Board /CBSE Mathematics(M) M1= Maths out of 100
Physics(P) P1 = Physics out of 50
Chemistry(C) C1 = Chemistry out of 50
Engineering Cut-Off Calculation Cut-Off Mark = M1+P1+C1

b.e./ eligibility CRITERIA

S.No Community % of marks eligible for B.E./B.Tech. Programs
HSC academic HSC Vocational Lateral
(Avg of Mat, Phy, Che) (Avg of Voc T&P*) (Overall % in Diploma)
1 General 50% 50% 55%
2 BC/BCM 45% 45% 50%
3 MBC/DNC 40% 40% 45%
4 SC/SCA/ST 40% 40% Pass
5 Management 50% 50% 55%