Anna University Theory Exam for First semester commences from 12.02.2025
Anna University Practical Exam for First semester commences from 06.01.2025

BME Laboratories


S.No Lab Name Experiment Equipments


1. Compute the GCD of two numbers.
2. Find the square root of a number (Newton‘s method)
3. Exponentiation (power of a number)
4. Find the maximum of a list of numbers
5. Linear search and Binary search
6. Selection sort, Insertion sort
7. Merge sort
8. First n prime numbers
9. Multiply matrices
10. Programs that take command line arguments (word count)
11. Find the most frequent words in a text read from a file
12. Simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame
13. Simulate bouncing ball using Pygame
Python IDLE
2 BS8161

Physics Laboratory



1. Determination of rigidity modulus – Torsion pendulum

2. Determination of Young‘s modulus by non-uniform bending method

3. (a) Determination of wavelength, and particle size using Laser
(b) Determination of acceptance angle in an optical fiber.

4. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor – Lee‘s Disc method.

5. Determination of velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid – Ultrasonic interferometer

6. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating

7. Determination of band gap of a semiconductor

8. Determination of thickness of a thin wire – Air wedge method


1.   Torsion pendulum

2.   Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending method

3.   Wavelength, and particle size using Laser, angle in an optical fiber

4.   Thermal conductivity of bad conductor Lee’s Disc

5.   Velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid-Ultrasonic interferometer

6.   Wavelength mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating

7.   band gap of a semiconductor

8.   Thickness of a thin wire-Air wedge method


3 BS8161

Chemistry Laboratory


1. Estimation of HCl using Na2CO3 as primary standard & Determination of alkalinity in water.
2. Determination of total, temporary & permanent hardness of water by EDTA method.
3. Determination of DO content of water sample by Winkler‘s method.
4. Determination of chloride content of water sample by argentometric method.
5. Estimation of cr content of the given solution by Iodometry.
6. Determination of strength of given hydrochloric acid using pH meter.
7. Determination of strength of acids in a mixture of acids using conductivity meter.
8. Estimation of iron content of the given solution using potentiometer.
9. Estimation of iron content of the water sample using spectrophotometer (1, 10-
Phenanthroline / thiocyanate method).
10. Estimation of sodium and potassium present in water using flame photometer.
11. Determination of molecular weight of polyvinyl alcohol using Ostwald viscometer.
12. Pseudo first order kinetics-ester hydrolysis.
13. Corrosion experiment-weight loss method.
14. Determination of CMC.
15. Phase change in a solid.
16. Conductometric titration of strong acid vs base.
1.pH Meter

2.Conductivity Meter

3.Home Photometer




7.Electronic Balance


4 GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory




(a)    Study of plumbing and carpentry components of residential and industrial buildings. Safety aspects.

Plumbing Works   

(a) Study of pipeline joints, its location and functions: valves, taps, couplings, unions, reducers, and elbows in household fittings.

(b) Study of pipe connections requirements for pumps and turbines.

(c) Preparation of plumbing line sketches for water supply and sewage works.

(d) Hands-on-exercise:

Basic pipe connections – Mixed pipe material connection – Pipe connections with different joining components.

(e) Demonstration of plumbing requirements of high-rise buildings.

Carpentry using Power Tools only:

(a) Study of the joints in roofs, doors, windows and furniture.

(b) Hands-on-exercise:

Wood work, joints by sawing, planning and cutting.


1. Assorted components for plumbing consisting of metallic & plastic pipes, couplings, unions, elbows and other fittings.

2. Carpentry vice

3. Standard woodworking tools

4. Models of industrial trusses, door joints, furniture joints

5. Power Tools:

(a) Rotary Hammer

(b) Demolition Hammer

(c) Circular Saw

(d) Planer

(e) Hand Drilling Machine


5 GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory




(a) Preparation of butt joints, lap joints and T- joints by Shielded metal arc welding.

(b) Gas welding practice

Basic Machining:

(a) Simple Turning and Taper turning

(b) Drilling Practice

Sheet Metal Work:

(a) Forming & Bending:

(b) Model making – Trays and funnels.

(c) Different type of joints

Machine assembly practice:

(a) Study of centrifugal pump

(b) Study of air conditioner

Demonstration on:

(a) Smithy operations, upsetting, swaging, setting down and bending. Example – Exercise – Production of hexagonal headed bolt.

(b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone pulley.

(c) Fitting – Exercises – Preparation of square fitting and V – fitting models.



1. Arc welding transformer with cables and holders.

2. Welding booth with exhaust facility

3. Accessories like welding shield, chipping hammer, wire brush, etc.

4. Oxygen, acetylene gas cylinders, blow pipe & other welding outfit.

5. Centre lathe

6. Hearth furnace, anvil & smithy tools

7. Moulding table, foundry tools

8. Power Tool: Angle Grinder

9. Study-purpose items: centrifugal pump, airconditioner

6 GE8261

Engineering Practices Laboratory




1. Residential house wiring using switches, fuse, indicator, lamp and energy meter.

2. Fluorescent lamp wiring.

3. Stair case wiring

4. Measurement of electrical quantities – voltage, current, power & power factor in RLC circuit.

5. Measurement of energy using single phase energy meter.

6. Measurement of resistance to earth.



1. Study of Electronic components & equipments – Resistor, colour coding, measurement of AC signal parameter using CR.

2. Study of logic gates AND, OR and NOT.

3. Generation of Clock Signal.

4. Soldering practice – Components Devices and Circuits – Using general purpose PCB.

5. Measurement of ripple factor of HWR & FWR



1. Assorted electrical components for house wiring

2. Elec. measuring instruments

3. Study purpose items: Iron box, fan and regulator, emergency lamp

4. Megger (250V/500V).

5. Power Tools:



1. Soldering guns

2. Electronic components for making circuits

3. Small PCBs

4. Multimeters

5. Study purpose items, , low-voltage power supply


  1. General guidelines for working and functional component of biochemistry lab
  2. Preparation of solutions: 1) percentage solutions, 2) molar solutions, 3) normal solutions
  3. Standardization of pH meter, preparation of buffers, emulsions.
  4. Spectroscopy: Determination of absorption maxima (λmax) of a given solution
  5. General tests for carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
  6. Identification of Blood Collection Tubes and Phlebotomy equipments
  7. Preparation of serum and plasma from blood.
  8. Estimation of Haemoglobin
  9. Estimation of blood glucose.
  10. Estimation of creatinine.
  11. Estimation of urea.
  12. Estimation of Uric acid
  13. Estimation of cholesterol
  14. Assay of SGOT/SGPT.
  15. ELISA test
  16. Separation of proteins by SDS electrophoresis(Demo)
  17. Separation of amino acids by thin layer chromatography (Demo).
  1. Colorimeter
  2. Spectrophotometer
  3. pH meter
  4. Weighing balance
  5. Refrigerator
  6. SDS gel electrophoresis
  7. TLC, ready TLC plates
  8. Wintrobe‘s tube
  9. Centrifuge Normal
  10. Microslides (packets)
  11. Lancet (boxes)
  12. Microscope
  13. Neubaur‘s Chamber
  14. Heparinized Syringe (box)
  15. Haemoglobinometer
  16. Elisa reader
  17. Capillary tubes (box)


1. Urine physical and chemical examination (protein, reducing substances, ketones, bilirubin and blood)2. Study of parts of compound microscope

3. Histopathological slides of benign and malignant tumours.

4. Manual paraffin tissue processing and section cutting (demonstration)

5. Cryo processing of tissue and cryosectioning (demonstration)

6. Basic staining – Hematoxylin and eosin staining.

7. Special stains – cresyl fast Blue (CFV)- Trichrome – oil red O – PAS

8. Capsule stain

9. Simple stain.

10. Gram stain.

11. AFB stain.

12. Antigen-Antibody reaction Immuno electrophoresis

13. Slides of malarial parasites, micro filaria and leishmania donovani.

14. Haematology slides of anemia and leukemia.

15. Study of bone marrow charts.

  1. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
  2. Colorimeter
  3. Electronic Weighing balance
  4. Optical Microscope
  5. Centrifuge
  6. Cryosectioning
  7. Hot air oven
  8. Incubator
  9. Autoclave
  10. Fridge
  11. PH meter
  12. Homogeniser
  13. magnetic stirrer
  14. Sonicator
  15. vortex mixer
  16. laminar air flow
  17. Wax dispenser
  18. slide dispenser
10 BM8312 – DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LABORATORY 1. Characteristics of PN Junction Diode

2. Zener diode Characteristics & Regulator using Zener diode

3. Common Emitter input-output Characteristics

4. Common Base input-output Characteristics

5. FET Characteristics

6. SCR Characteristics

7. Clipper and Clamper & FWR

8. Verifications of Thevinin & Norton theorem

9. Verifications of KVL & KCL

10. Verifications Of Super Position Theorem

11. Verifications of maximum power transfer & reciprocity theorem

12. Determination Of Resonance Frequency of Series & Parallel RLC Circuits

13. Transient analysis of RL and RC circuits

14. Collection of Blood Samples

15. Identification of Blood groups (Forward and Reverse)

16. Bleeding and Clotting time

17. Estimation of Hemoglobin

18. Total RBC Count

19. Total WBC Count

20. Differential count of Blood cells

21. Estimation of ESR

23. Hearing test – Tuning fork

24. Visual Activity – Snellen‘s Chart and Jaeger‘s Chart

  1. BC 107
  2. BC 148
  3. 2N2646
  4. BFW10
  5. 1N4007
  6. Zener diodes
  7. Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors (sufficient quantities)
  8. Bread Boards
  9. CRO (30MHz)
  10. Function Generators (3MHz)
  11. Dual Regulated Power Supplies( 0-30V)


1. Inverting, Non inverting and Differential amplifiers.2. Integrator and Differentiator.
3. Instrumentation amplifier4. Active low-pass, High-pass and band-pass filters.5. Astable & Monostable multivibrators and Schmitt Trigger using op-amp.6. RC Phase shift and Wien bridge oscillators using op-amp.
7. Astable and monostable multivibrators using NE555 Timer.8. PLL characteristics and its use as Frequency Multiplier.9. DC power supply using LM317 and LM723.10. Design and implementation of code converters using logic gatesa. (i)BCD to excess-3 code and vice versa (ii) Binary to gray and vice-versa11. Design and implementation of 4 bit binary Adder/ Subtractor and BCD adder using IC 748312. Design and implementation of Multiplexer and De-multiplexer using logic gates13. Design and implementation of encoder and decoder using logic gates14. Construction and verification of 4 bit ripple counter and Mod-10 / Mod-12 Ripple counters15. Design and implementation of 3-bit synchronous up/down counter16. Implementation of SISO, SIPO, PISO and PIPO shift registers using Flip- flops.

17. SPICE Simulation studies.


  1. CRO/DSO (Min 30mhz)
  2. Signal Generators/Function Generators
  3. (2mhz)
  4. Dual Regulated Power Supply (0-30v)
  5. Digital Multimeter
  6. IC Tester
  7. Standalone Desktop Pcs
  8. Transistors, Resistors, Capacitors,
  9. Diodes, Zener Diodes, Bread Boards,
  10. Transformers, Wires, Power Transistors,
  11. Potentiometer, A/D And D/A Convertors,
  12. Leds


1. Basic C Programs – looping, data manipulations, arrays

2. Programs using strings – string function implementation

3. Programs using structures and pointers

4. Programs involving dynamic memory allocations

5. Array implementation of stacks and queues

6. Linked list implementation of stacks and queues

7. Application of Stacks and Queues

8. Implementation of Trees, Tree Traversals

9. Implementation of Binary Search trees

10. Implementation of Linear search and binary search

11. Implementation Insertion sort, Bubble sort, Quick sort and Merge Sort

12. Implementation Hash functions, collision resolution technique


PC with C compiler

13 BM8511 – BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY 1. Design of pre amplifiers to acquire bio signals along with impedance matching circuit using suitable IC‘s

2. Design of ECG Amplifiers with appropriate filter to remove power line and other artifacts.

3. Design of EMG amplifier

4. Design a suitable circuit to detect QRS complex and measure heart rate

5. Design of frontal EEG amplifier

6. Design of EOG amplifier to detect eye blink

7. Design a right leg driven ECG amplifier.

8. Design and study the characteristics of optical Isolation amplifier

9. Design a Multiplexer and Demultiplexer for any two biosignals.

10. Measurement of pulse-rate using Photo transducer.

11. Measurement of pH and conductivity.

12. Measurement of blood pressure using sphygmomanometer.

13. Measurement and recording of peripheral blood flow

14. Design a PCB layout for any bio amplifier using suitable software tool.


  1. pH meter and conductivity meter
  2. Photo transducer for pulse measurement
  3. Sphygmomanometer and Stethoscope
  4. Blood flow measurement system
  5. Multiparameter (ECG, EMG, EEG)
  6. Simulator
  7. Function generator
  8. DSO
  9. Regulated Power supplies
  10. Bread boards
  11. IC LM 324
  12. AD 620
  13. INA series (126,128 etc.)
  14. 555 Timer
  15. Opto Isolator IC: MCT2E
  16. Software tool for PCB design

1. Generation of elementary Discrete-Time sequences
2. Linear and Circular convolutions
3. Auto correlation and Cross Correlation
4. Frequency Analysis using DFT
5. Design of FIR filters (LPF/HPF/BPF/BSF) and demonstrates the filtering operation
6. Study of architecture of Digital Signal Processor
7. Perform MAC operation using various addressing modes
8. Generation of various signals and random noise
9. Design and demonstration of FIR Filter for Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band stop filtering
10. Design and demonstration of Butter worth and Chebyshev IIR Filters for Low pass, High pass, Band
11. pass and Band stop filtering
12. Implement an Up-sampling and Down-sampling operation in DSP Processor

  1. PCs with Fixed / Floating point DSP
  2. Processors (Kit / Add-on Cards)
  3. MATLAB with Simulink and Signal
  4. Processing Tool Box or Equivalent Software
  5. Signal Generators (1MHz)
  6. CRO (20MHz)
  7. Analog Discovery kit(signal Generator +CRO together)



1. Measurement of visually evoked potential

2. Galvanic skin resistance (GSR) measurement

3. Study of shortwave and ultrasonic diathermy

4. Measurement of various physiological signals using biotelemetry

5. Study of hemodialysis model

6. Electrical safety measurements

7. Measurement of Respiratory parameters using spirometry.

8. Study of medical stimulator

9. Analyze the working of ESU – cutting and coagulation modes

10. Recording of Audiogram

11. Study the working of Defibrillator and pacemakers

12. Analysis of ECG, EEG and EMG signals

13. Study of ventilators

14. Study of Ultrasound Scanners

15. Study of heart lung machine model

  1. Visually evoked potential setup
  2. GSR setup
  3. Multi-output power supply (+15v, -15v,
  4. +30V variable, +5V, 2A)
  5. Short wave Diathermy
  6. Ultrasound diathermy
  7. Multiparameter biotelemetry system
  8. Electrical Safety Analyser
  9. Spirometry with associated analysis system
  10. ECG Simulator
  11. Medical stimulator
  12. Surgical diathermy with analyzer
  13. Audiometer
  14. Pacemaker
  15. Defibrillator
  16. Haemodialysis model
  17. Heart lung Model
  18. Ventilator
  19. Ultrasound Scanner
  20. Software to Analyze ECG,EEG and EMG

1. Basic arithmetic and Logical operations

2. Move a data block without overlap

3. Code conversion, decimal arithmetic and Matrix operations.

4. Floating point operations, string manipulations, sorting and searching

5. Password checking, Print RAM size and system date

6. Counters and Time Delay

7. Traffic light controller

8. Stepper motor control

9. Digital clock

10. Key board and Display

11. Printer status

12. Serial interface and Parallel interface

13. A/D and D/A interface and Waveform Generation

14. Basic arithmetic and Logical operations

15. Square and Cube program, Find 2‘s complement of a number

16. Unpacked BCD to ASCII

  1. 8086 Microprocessor trainer kit with power supply
  2. 8051 Microcontroller trainer kit
  3. Traffic light control interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits
  4. Stepper motor control interfacing compatible with 8086 & 8051kits
  5. Digital clock interfacing board compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits
  6. Keyboard & Display Interface board compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits
  7. Printer interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits
  8. A/D and D/A interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits
  9. Serial and Parallel Interfacing card compatible with 8086 & 8051 kits



1. Image sampling and quantization

2. Analysis of spatial and intensity resolution of images.

3. Intensity transformation of images.

4. DFT analysis of images

5. Transforms (Walsh, Hadamard, DCT, Haar)

6. Histogram Processing and Basic Thresholding functions

7. Image Enhancement-Spatial filtering

8. Image Enhancement- Filtering in frequency domain

9. Image segmentation – Edge detection, line detection and point detection.

10. Basic Morphological operations.

11. Region based Segmentation

12. Segmentation using watershed transformation

13. Analysis of images with different color models.

14. Study of DICOM standards

15. Image compression techniques

16. Image restoration

17. A mini project based on medical image processing

  1. PCs with related accessories (Intel CORE 2 Duo(Minimum) or Intel I5, I7(latest), RAM-
  2. MATLAB (Latest Version) 17A or 18,Image processing tool box


  1. Collection of Blood Samples
  2. Identification of Blood groups (Forward and Reverse)
  3. Bleeding and Clotting time.
  4. Estimation of Hemoglobin
  5. Total RBC Count
  6. Total WBC Count
  7. Differential count of Blood cells
  8. Estimation of ESR
  10. Hearing test – Tuning fork
  11. Visual Activity – Snellen‘s Chart and Jaeger‘s Chart
  1. Microscope
  2. Centrifuge Normal
  3. Wintrobe‘s tube
  4. PCV tube
  5. Neubaur‘s Chamber
  6. Heparinized Syringe
  7. Haemoglobinometer
  8. Blood grouping kit
  9. Capillary tubes
  10. Ophthalmoscope
  11. Tuning fork (256Hz to 512Hz)
  12. Microslides (Packets)
  13. Lancet (boxes)